1000 BC

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Source: Wikipedia10000bc-01
Nice pussy cat.. Man you need a breath mint!

The computer generated mammoth sure looks real.

However, humans using Mammoths to build the pyramids is an interesting theory! Didn’t Mammoth die out in the ice age some million years ago? How come they are here in 10,000 BC? Well, a quick check with WikiPedia tells me that “most” Mammoth died at the end of Ice Age but some small population survived on St Paul Island, Alaska , up until 6000 BC. So the creators of the show got that hole covered.

Now we know how the heavy stones were carried up the Pyramids. They used the mighty Mammoth!! :)

I noticed that all the women in the show were quite ‘native’ with dark skin but the heroes’ girl is the only Caucasian there. She is pretty though(played 22-year old Camille Belle from When a Stranger Calls). Something was missing in all the romance. No kissing scenes at all! Hands on cheek. That’s as far as our hero and his girl go.

All sort of prehistoric animals like this bird here making life difficult for our hunter/gatherer.

This would have been an almost perfect kid safe show if not for the Mammoth stomping on humans scenes.

Another show with beautifully computer generated effects. But nowadays this high tech is wasted on us as we are getting so used to it. I like how so many ‘technology’ was discovered in this period of time. There should have been a better storyline though.